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JAJ Health Care Education Consultants, LLC, and the Louisiana Certification Registry for Healthcare Ancillary Professionals, Inc. are established entities that serve as a professional certification registry in the state of Louisiana committed to promoting the quality of care and life for persons receiving services from professionals certified with this company. JAJ Health Care Education Consultants, LLC also offers professional education consultation, and continuing education programs for hospitals, nursing facilities, rehabilitation centers, and/or certified, registered, and licensed health care or human service professionals in the state of Louisiana.


Professional Responsibility

All certified professionals have a responsibility to read, understand and follow the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. They are expected to adhere to these standards in their professional practice and in order to maintain their certification.


General Standards

1. The certified member influences the development of the profession through continually endeavoring to improve professional practices, by teaching, through service, by advocacy and leadership.

2. The certified member recognizes that professional growth is continuous.

3. The certified member recognizes the need for continuing education to ensure competent services.

4. The certified member gathers data on the effectiveness of their practice and is guided by their findings.

5. The certified member neither claims nor implies professional qualifications exceeding those possessed.

6. The certified member recognizes the extent of their competence and provides only those services for which they are qualified by training and experience.

7. The certified member accepts employment only for the positions for which they are qualified by education, training, and appropriate professional experience.


Patient / Client / Resident Relationship Standards

1. The certified member guards the civil rights and individual dignity of the patient / client / resident and promotes their welfare whether in a group or individually.

2. The certified member does not condone or engage in discrimination based on age, color, culture, disability, ethnic group, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, or socioeconomic status.

3. The certified member does not bring personal issues to the patient / client / resident relationship.

4. The certified member shall advocate on behalf of the patient / client / resident to receive accurate services.

5. The certified member must ensure that the patients / clients / residents of various functional ability levels have equal access to program services and they are provided to them accurately in the context of the service setting.

6. The certified member must ensure that every patient / client / resident in a given setting receive program services if they desire them.

7. The certified member respects their patient / client / resident’s right to privacy and provides for the maintenance of client confidentially in discourse and in records. In group work, the certified member must set a standard of confidentially regarding group participants’ disclosures’.



1. The certified member shall respect the agency offering quality of care and life by supporting administration and being an effective team member.

2. The certified member has the responsibility to the institution in which he/she performs service to maintain the highest standard of professional conduct and services to their patients / clients / residents. The acceptance of employment implies that the certified member is in agreement with their general policies and objectives, and therefore, provides services that are in accordance with them. If the certified member finds that the institutional policy and service systems hampers patient / client / resident potential and/or prevents access to service, the certified member must seek to cause the employer to change such policy and/or systems.

Failing to effectuate change after extensive efforts, the certified member should seriously consider terminating the affiliation.

3. Ethical behavior among professional associates, both certified and non-certified is expressed at all times.

4. The certified member must seek professional review and evaluation on a regular basis.

5. The certified member must establish interpersonal relations and working agreements with other department personnel and define relationships, responsibilities and accountability in regard to their common residents / clients.

6. The certified member who supervises associates must be responsible for in-service development of those associates, and must inform their staff of department ethics, core values, and program goals, and provide staff with practices that guarantee the rights and welfare of each patient / resident / client who receives their services.

7. The certified member who supervises associates must be just fair with staff, give credit when it is due and give counsel when work performance is below standard.




1. The certified member shall successfully complete academic and continuing education sessions in order to better understand the patients / residents / clients and how program services enhances their well-being.

2. The certified member shall continue to complete educational sessions both academic and continuing education, in order to keep abreast of quality programming, as evidenced by appropriate and timely recertification through JAJ Health Care Education Consultants, LLC.

3. The certified member shall report accurately and fairly the educational sessions attended and the credit received.

4. The certified member shall refuse to participate in falsification of any educational documents.

5. The certified member shall seek competency rather than to fulfill minimum requirements.



1. The certified member shall learn programming through supervised experience in conducting program groups in the various age specific settings.

2. The certified member shall meet federal and state regulations regarding standards to be certified, and qualified as a Mental Health Technician & Specialist, Activity Professional, Long-Term Care Social Services Designee, or Dietary & Food Services Director before marketing oneself as a professional in the provisions of specialty programming.

3. The certified member shall be a high quality provider for specialty services that enhances the lives of the patients / residents / clients.

4. The certified member will avoid any falsification or misrepresentation of one’s employment record.

5. The certified member shall function at the highest practical level of one’s ability and skills to benefit of the patients / residents / clients.



1. The certified member who trains has particular ethical responsibilities that go beyond that of the certified member who does not train other mental health or activity professionals.

2. The certified member who is responsible for training others must be guided by the Standards of Professional Preparation.

3. The certified member responsible for education programs must be skilled as Activity Education Specialist for Activity Professionals, Mental Health Professional for the Mental Health Technicians, and Mental Health Specialist, Degreed Social Worker for Long-Term Care Social Services Designees, and/or a Registered/Licensed Dietitian for Dietary & Food Service Professionals.

4. The certified member who has been credentialed as an Activity Education Specialist must follow the NCCAP Program Administration Guidelines in all aspects, or ensure that their sponsoring agency is following them.



Certified Activity Professionals, Mental Health Technicians & Specialist, Long-Term Care Social Services Designee, and/or Dietary & Food Services Directors responsible for understanding and following the Code of Ethics. Lack of knowledge or misunderstanding of an ethical responsibility is not a defense against a charge of unethical conduct.


If It is found that a Certified Member is not adhering to the JAJ Health Care Education Consultants, L.L.C. Code of Ethics….through written reports, through “doctored” documents, etc. ….the certification will be rescinded or denied. The mechanism for review in such instances will be through a Certification Review Committee, the Executive Director, and finally the appeals committee.

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